Tuesday, June 07, 2005

1000 Miles and Counting...

We’ve crossed the 1000 mile mark, and already deviated from our well devised plan (as Darin chuckles at that remark). Instead of staying in Salt Lake, we decided to do a marathon driving day and head for Grand Teton National Park. After a run out of gas scare and a missed turn due to Lynelle not paying attention, we made it to the park in 15 hours, rather than 12. For the record, Lynelle wasn’t paying attention because she was focused on writing this journal (that’s not winning her any points, though). Our stop in Salt Lake to purchase a couple of movies made the drive painless for the kids. The adults were also OK, sitting in the 2 front barka loungers with seat heaters on, watching the standoff on the interstate in LA and waiting for the jury to come back on OJ...I mean Michael. We arrived in Grand Tetons, already amazed at the scenery. We settled in for a late dinner, compliments of a gift from Shea (boy we’ll miss her!). More tomorrow from Grand Tetons!